Worserer than E.T.? : The Games Of Mythicon
In our continuing quest to find games that are "Worse Than E.T?" we have arrived at the bottom of the stinkiest barrel imaginable, and there rests the games of Mythicon.
Video version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufSlqW9MjU4
DP Royal Archives - The Worst of the Atari 2600 (digitpress.com)
The Story of Mythicon.. How cool is this.
Late night fuel support appreciated but not demanded : https://www.buymeacoffee.com/intotheverticalblank
All music, audio / video production. writing and game play by #JeffFulton and or #SteveFulton unless otherwise noted. (c)8bitrocket Studios
#Atari #IntoTheVerticalBlank #GenerationAtari
Into The Vertical Theme by Brian Travis
Title: Into The Vertical Blank theme Words & music by Brian Travis (c)(p)2021 Taste This Moment Music ASCAP
Out of the Vertical Blank Theme By Tony Longworth
Find the full song on band camp
Research: Atarimania.com Atariage.com Atarilegend.com AtariCrypt MobyGames.com LemonAmiga.com
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Jeff on Twitter @8bitrocket
Steve on Threads @steveafulton
Steve on Twitter @fultonbot
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