We interview the Vintnerds about the upcoming, inaugural Vintage Computer Festival Southern California (VCF So. Call), Feb. 17, 18 2024 VCF links:
Buy tickets / sponsor / donate / vend etc. https://www.vcfsocal.com/
New theme music "Out Of The Vertical Blank" by Tony Longworth
Late night fuel support appreciated but not demanded : https://www.buymeacoffee.com/intothev...
All music, audio / video production. writing and game play by #JeffFulton and or #SteveFulton unless otherwise noted. (c)8bitrocket Studios # Atari #IntoTheVerticalBlank #Generation Atari Theme by Brian Travis Title: Into The Vertical Blank theme Words & music by Brian Travis (c)(p)2021 Taste This Moment Music ASCAP http://www.briantravisband.com/ Research: Atarimaina.com Atariage.com Atarilegend.com AtariCrypt MobyGames.com LemonAmiga.com
Into The Vertical Blank: Generation Atari S3:E19 Interview with Thomas Cherryhomes. How Fujinet and Irata-Online Give Plato New Life Fujinet is an exciting new...
In this episodes we take you back to an era when arcades in the shape of rockets and castles ruled the land, and TV...
This is a better produced version of the the story "The Vindication Of Desert Falcon" was was read as part of S6:E5 The Vindication...