Latest Episodes
#123: Atari I.P List Found! 23 Atari ST Games They Own!
#123: Atari I.P List Found! 23 Atari ST Games They Own! We scour Atari's 2024 IP list (we were altered to it last week...
#122: Worse Than E.T.? Pac-Man And The Day Atari Lost The Video Game War
Is Atari 2600 Pac-Man worse than E.T. for The Atari 2600?Or does it go deeper than that? Did the timing, release, and quality of...
#121 : Worse Than E.T.? Marauder For the Atari 2600
Why do people subjectively choose one game or another to top their "worst" list? It's rarely actually the "worst" game objectively. In this episode...
#120 : Worse Than E.T.? Mr. Postman and the games from Bit Corp
Mr. Postman is another game from Bit Corp., the people who brought us Bobby Is Going Home. It's a doozy of game for the...
#119 : Overscan: Cracking Seals and Proving Life
Overscan: Cracking Seals and Proving Life In this over scan we discuss a few new home brew games we have obtained for the #Atari2600...
#118 : Worserer than E.T.? : The Games Of Mythicon
Worserer than E.T.? : The Games Of Mythicon In our continuing quest to find games that are "Worse Than E.T?" we have arrived at...