S6:E8:Goth and Leong Atari ST Bedroom Coding Heroes
Gary “Goth” Wheaton and Robert Leong are two of the more unsung heroes of the Atari SY Bedroom Game coding Underground. In this episode we take a well deserved if all too brief look at some of their combined and separate efforts.
I started down a rabbit hole a few weeks ago when I wanted to find a Galaga style game to play on my Atari ST. I knew that most of the best Arcade style translations for the ST were made by bedroom coders for shareware, freeware and license ware, but I had only even dipped my toes into investigating that Atari scene. I knew of Dave Munsie and his legendary status because of his Kid Kong and Asteroida games as well as of course Jeff Minter and his beastie zarjaz filled ST extravaganza, but that was about it.
What I found was a wide open treasure trove of arcade games and translations of yesterday year hits that needed a deep dive. I started with Robert Leong’s Annihilator, examined the credits on Atarimania, dove in and am now hooked on the ST Bedroom game dev scene.
What follows is an audio edited version of the first three videos of the Bedroom Coded classics series, focusing on Robert Leong and Gary Goth Wheaton. It’s hardly exhaustive, and there is much more to explore, especially from Gary, but I think it’s a great introduction to a scene that has not been explored much previously.
That’s it for this time. There is so so so much more to explore game, interview and story-wise with the Atari ST bedroom coded game series. Much more to come in the future. Don’t forget, you can watch the video versions at https://www.youtube.com/intotheverticalblank.
Episode 1: https://youtu.be/k0LLL7D30CU?si=5PtX_v83U7oPfbre
Episode 2:https://youtu.be/grGqqk3xUCY?si=d15ERNrP9rh8mPax
Episode 3: https://youtu.be/BPnlh9ulPfk?si=cwinZmjzXVcR9P3V
We have another exceptional tune by Tony Longworth as the outro today, called Death Meditation. Tony’s Music can be heard in the upcoming Heart of Neon Documentary on Jeff Minter.
Recorded, Mixed, Edited and Produced by Jeff Fulton
Music : Death By Design - Tony Longworth : support Tony’s Patreon music https://www.patreon.com/tonylongworth
Theme by Brian TravisTitle: Into The Vertical Blank theme Words & music by Brian Travis (c)(p)2021 Taste This Moment Music ASCAP http://www.briantravisband.com/
Branding by Daryl Litts
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