S1:E6 - How The Atari ST and MIDI Might Have Ruined Our Favorite 80's Rock Band (Remaster)

Episode 6 August 21, 2018 00:57:30
S1:E6 - How The Atari ST and MIDI Might Have Ruined Our Favorite 80's Rock Band (Remaster)
Into The Vertical Blank
S1:E6 - How The Atari ST and MIDI Might Have Ruined Our Favorite 80's Rock Band (Remaster)

Aug 21 2018 | 00:57:30


Show Notes

The only thing from the 80's that could rival our love for Atari was our love for punk rock and new wave, and especially, our favorite band: The Alarm.  In 1987 those two things combined in an unexpected way. So unexpected in fact, that we were only able to fully understand impact of those two world's clashing more than 30 years later.  This episode documents that journey to understanding.

In 1987 we gave up the "Little Blue Desktop " of Atari 800 DOS for the Little Green Desktop of the Atari 520 ST.  At that exact moment in time, the music industry was changing dramatically from one that used mostly analog recording practices to adding digital instruments and recording methods into the Studio. The ATARI (ubiquitously known without the ST) mostly in studios was the cheapest, most accurate sequencer on the market.

Atari Dos 2.X - Inside Atari DOS Byby Bill Wilkinson, published 1982 https://www.atariarchives.org/iad/

Atari ST TOS 1.0 Information, pictures, more

BAAL - Atari ST - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=baal+atari+st

Better Dead than Alien - Atari ST -

A selection of Atari ST game videos featuring music


The History of Midi

1986 Discussion of Midi Computers



Atari ST and 400/800/XL/XE Podcasts

Antic - https://ataripodcast.libsyn.com/

XE Game By Game - http://xegs8bit.com/

XL/XE - https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/xlxe-xlxe-uvPGcxAZnHD/

Player / Missile - https://playermissile.com/

Inverse ATASCII - https://inverseatascii.info/

Atari Game Podcasts

Ferg’s amazing Atari 2600 Game By Game Podcast - https://player.fm/series/the-atari-2600-game-by-game-podcast

Atari Bytes - https://player.fm/series/atari-bytes

The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast (classic episodes) - https://player.fm/series/the-atari-7800-game-by-game-podcast

Shinto’s Jaguar game by game Podcast - https://player.fm/series/the-atari-jaguar-game-by-game-podcast

The Atari 5200 Podcast - https://player.fm/series/the-atari-5200-podcast

The Atari 7800 Homebrew Podcast - https://player.fm/series/the-atari-7800-homebrew-podcast

The Atari Lynx Handy Cast - https://player.fm/series/the-atari-lynx-handycast

The Atari 5200 Super Community Podcast - https://player.fm/series/the-atari-5200-super-community

The Best of the rest (if you are not listed an want to be , please contact us)

The Amazing Intellivisionaries Podcast - https://player.fm/series/the-intellivisionaries-podcast

The Essential Growing up 80’s Podcast - https://player.fm/series/growing-up-80s

Intarivisions - Atari, Intellivision and Coleco common games - https://player.fm/series/intarivisions

The Pie Factory Podcast - https://piefactorypodcast.wordpress.com/

The Floppy Days Podcast -  https://player.fm/series/floppydays-vintage-computing-podcast

Essential Podcasts that might be of interest to this community

Reply-All - https://player.fm/series/reply-all

The Moth - https://themoth.org/podcast

Story Corps - https://storycorps.org/podcast/

Never let the fires die The official Alarm Podcast - http://thealarm.com/feed/podcast/

Comfortable Place on the Couch The Midnight Oil Podcast - http://darrenfoulds.com/podcasts/index.html

More 80’s podcasts on Player FM - https://player.fm/en/podcasts/80's-podcasts

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